MCAGCC's 54th Birthday
The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, CA celebrated its 54th birthday on August 18th. Part of the celebration included a dedication ceremony for 29 palm trees. Each of the trees has a sign posted next to it naming a significant event in Marine Corps history from the Marines' birthday on 10 November 1775 at Tun Tavern to the battle of Fallujah in Iraq. The majority of the signs call to remembrance battles that the Marine Corps has fought in.
The Marine base in 29 Palms is famous for the large-scale, live fire combined-arms exercises (CAXs) that it hosts. The base covers approximately 932 square miles. The main part of the base including base housing only uses about 1.5 square miles of that area. The rest is used for training. A record high temperature of 120 degrees in Twentynine Palms was set on 17 July 2005. The previous record high of 118 degrees stood for 44 years and 6 days.
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