Wednesday, November 01, 2006

John Kerry Does Not Support the Military

Senator John Kerry, while addressing some students said that they "make an effort to be smart" they will do well, otherwise they will get "stuck in Iraq."

How can a U.S. Senator show such utter contempt and disregard for the American military?!? Kerry at first said that it was a joke aimed at President Bush however it certainly doesn't seem in any way like a joke about "W". He has now issued an apology which doesn't even seem sincere. I think that he is only sorry that his true feelings were revealed. Time to step down Mr. Kerry.

See Kerry's comments at YouTube.


At 13/11/06 09:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let me tell you my Son was
a Marine. I have seen that speech
on TV and it was a joke about Bush.
Bush and many others have turned it
around to make Kerry and the Democrats look like idiots and to
have an effect on the election.
Thank God, people are smarter then
the one who posted this.

At 13/11/06 09:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain how his statement could possibly be a "joke about Bush". Bush has an education and he is not "stuck in Iraq, therefore the statement had nothing to do about Bush, only the troops.

I notice that instead of giving a good rebuttal you choose to make ad hominem attacks on the person by inferring they are dumb.

At 13/11/06 15:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a copy of what I had to say to Senator Kerry. I had the priveledge of being the guest of the United States Marine Corps for a week aboard the USS Ogden. I spent an entire week aboard the ship, living with the Marines and Naval personel aboard the ship. Never, in my entire life, have I witnessed a group of young men who were more intelligent, professional, dedicated and capable than I saw there in those few days aboard the confines of that one ship.

Senator Kerry,
Throughout the course of the past two decades, those of us involved in business and professional leadership roles have been taught, and recognize, that the standard by which our conduct is regulated in regard to our speech and actions is a simple one. What we intend to say or do in any situation, is not a defense when what we do or what we say is perceived as offensive or degrading. This is the standard by which the majority of us in this country conduct ourselves, in the course of dealing with others as professionals and with respect. If your comment was not intended to offend our troops, and through your own lack of education you are incapable of an effective command of the english language, or an ability to recite rhetoric, you owe an appology to our troops and their families for your failures and for any offense that they or their families may have taken. I am the proud parent of two United States Marines that have served our United States with pride, I was offended when I perceived your comment as an attack on their level of education and intelligence. I listened to the explanation given from your camp, not from you, and was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.... but when John Kerry says he "owes no appology to anyone", it only demonstrates to me that you have no regard whatsoever for what you say or how your actions are perceived. It would be like the neighbor kid throwing a baseball through your window and walking up to you and saying, "Geeze mister, I didn't mean to throw that ball through your window, and I'm not going to say I'm sorry,,,,, "cause I don't owe an appology to anybody." Thanks John Kerry for being a shining example of how we don't want people in this country to treat each other. I'll never vote for you now in any election, and I'm not sorry either.

David S. Bowers

Battlement Mesa, Colorado

At 23/5/07 14:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who posted this:

"First let me tell you my Son was
a Marine. I have seen that speech
on TV and it was a joke about Bush.
Bush and many others have turned it
around to make Kerry and the Democrats look like idiots and to
have an effect on the election.
Thank God, people are smarter then
the one who posted this."

I am a Active Duty Marine. I have served two tours in Iraq and am going for a third. If I was your son, I would be ashamed to call you mom or dad who ever you are. That comment from John Kerry is insulting and you should be ashamed for defending him. God bless your son, you I hope the Devil takes.


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